
- 答:Cultural business negotiations has always been a very thorny issue of Chinese and Western experts and negotiators on both sides have been negotiating teams are to make every effort to improve the vexed problem. Since culture, differences in customs, language, communication and inconvenience, so that Chinese and Western negotiations Forever exist obstacles and inconvenience, we know each other only through the national culture and customs in all its aspects in order to reduce such barriers to be narrowed. I think that this is most negotiators want it.
- 答:Cross-cultural business negotiation has always been a tough problem,western and Chinese experts and negotiators try their best to handle this troublesome issue.Due to the diffrence of culture and customs between both sides,inconvienience munication as well,barrier exists all the time.What we can do is making every effort to learn western culture and custom to fill up the gap.I think this is what most of the negotiators wish to do.
- 答:Cross-cultural business negotiation has always been a tough issue. experts from east and west have been making every effort to solve this annoying problem.For the difference of culture and customs, the inconvenience of munication makes negotiation between east and west impedient. we can only exclude such barrier through familiarizing mutural culture and customs so that the gap between the two parties can be narrowed.as it were, this is what most negotiatoers want it to be.
- 答:商务谈判策略的论文
- 答:海天论文,发表,全程搞定
谈判是双方谈判组成员在一起进行沟通,进行妥协,为达到一个共同双赢的目标而进行切磋的过程,我们强调妥协是沟通,但目标是双赢。所以谈判是人与人协调关系的过程,这样有许多谈判策略可进行调动,这里要强调的是,谈判是对事,谈判策略调动是对人。 一、建立满意感 在某种程度上,满足对方谈判组成员个人利益,那么他与你或谈判组其他成员的特殊关系,就能建立起来,因此使得谈判组尤其是对方谈判组某个主要成员,通过你的行为能产生一定程度的满意感,这可能会改变谈判中出现的一些情况。
二、开小会 对于对方谈判组整体成员,采用差异性对待的办法,希望谈判的整体的关系发生一些微妙变化,能够有不同倾向性产生,可能会有一定的负面影响。 三、恻隐术 采用示弱乞怜的作法,利用人类的某些特点,比如说,恻隐之心,人皆有之,谁也不愿落井下石这样一种人类的弱点,最终来达到自己的目标,这种办法效果与使用的次数成反比。 四、宠将法 用表扬的办法让别人去做一些你想让他去做的事情。宠将法本身是说好听的话,让他在受到赞扬过程中产生一种舒服感,从而放松警惕,给旁亏拿你成功的机会。
五、激将法 激起对方的潜能,认为别人能做的,我都能做的到,别人做不到的,我也能做到,只有这种情况,运用激将较易生效。这种方法应该有很强的针对性,对手属于争强好胜的,应用激将法是较容易奏效的。 六、告将法 常采用的方法是空弯越级上告,把谈判陷入僵局的责任和困难全推到你要告的这个人身上。告将法较消极,甚至某种程度上讲有一种消极的影响,有可能别人会转变长久以来对你积累的印象。 七、泥菩萨战术 采用不发言的办法,消磨对方的自信心,达到本方的目的。因为没有反应比负面反应更没有办法让人捉摸。